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The Year That Got Away

June was the last blog post that I wrote this year, which might seem like I fell off the face of my own planet, but it's understandable why that was a breakpoint in 2023 for me. June was so different than I could have imagined going into 2023. I spent ~3 weeks on the back side of June in Connecticut, house/cat-sitting for a friend. Things I experienced: the idea of living on the east coast the idea of living in a small town being able to go for a wide variety of hikes solitude homesickness new art experimentation cats The trip wasn't something I knew was on my horizon going into 2023. I had had this daydream during the pandemic that I could just pick up and go live anywhere for a while. My work was fully remote, so the world was legitimately my oyster. The part where I got stuck and never took the leap is the fact that I'd be paying rent at home, and also at whatever romantic location I chose to relocate to temporarily. So when I was asked by a friend if I wanted to stay in...
Recent posts

June Ambitions

 Dear Diary, OMG, it's been forever . Enough of that. It has been a few months, but life happens. What did I do in April and May? I'd say I spent my creative time in May "doing art." Mostly I was getting back into the habit of drawing in a sketchbook with some kind of regularity.  This carried over into May, when I also completed this painting, which kind of started the whole, "I want to paint Looney Tunes backgrounds" thing in the first place: Also in May, I told myself that I was going to "write more." This did  happen to an extent. And I think more importantly, I realized that if I want to achieve that goal, I work better if I have some kind of outline and some kind of guidelines. But as everyone knows from all of history, setting and keeping to new habits is very difficult. Especially when you're the only one to hold yourself accountable. However, where the writing was sparse, I'd say that my mind was alive with new ideas and forming so...

March Reflections

It's going well so far. Not only this month's project, but also the whole idea of a "project each month" in general. I don't know why I am so surprised. Except that it's way surprising to have an idea and also have follow through. I've continued March doing cartoon background paintings. I've done four of them now! There's a definite part of me that feels like a hack making these paintings, copying someone else's creation. But I have to talk myself down from there. The paintings are studies and still art on their own. And they are bringing me so much joy to stare at. There's roughly a week left in the month. I'm not sure how many more paintings I'll accomplish, but I know that just because the month is over, doesn't mean I have to stop that activity. February's project was "humorous essay writing." I took a four-week class and produced four essays. (Interesting that "four" is a reoccurring number here. I w...

Project March: Looney Tunes Paintings

 The What To paint a series of Looney Tunes backgrounds.  The Why I really enjoy painting, but I don't make the time to do it enough. The last painting I made was just over a year ago. The one before that was the year before. In the spirit of my monthly projects, I threw "painting" on the list of options not really sure what the focus would be. And there are fewer things that terrify me more in this life than the proverbial blank page/canvas. So I needed a focus. Nearly every Saturday afternoon, my man-friend and I frequent a bar in downtown Chicago where we enjoy beers, burgers and heckling our favorite bartender. It's become somewhat of a tradition that the bartender will change the channel on the television at the far end of the bar to show cartoons, simply for our viewing pleasure. So the two of us will sit there for a couple of hours, indulging via our stomachs as well as our eyes. A couple of months ago, man-friend and I were discussing the artwork that goes int...

Project March: TBD

It's the last day of February and I'm not sure what I want to work on in March. I feel like I should already have this figured out, you know? Like I should already be excited about what I'm slated to work on. But not yet, I suppose. The options include (but are not limited to): painting (I have a few gesso'ed canvases awaiting my artistry, but is a pile of paintings going to fatigue my desire to paint in general?) visual art (similar, but like, maybe I'll just make a drawing or a painting or something every day for the month) music mixing (I have a MIDI keyboard that I'm ready to learn to create electronic beats of my very own... but should I wait to dedicate a month to that once I've learned how to use it better? I don't want to just be frustrated) story writing (I'm on a writing kick, what with February being humorous essay writing, but do I want to have two months back to back be in the same genre?) The answer is there are no wrong answers. I need...

Project February: Humorous Essay Writing

 The What Humorous essay writing. The Why This one was an easy choice. I'm currently enrolled in a class at Second City called Writing the Humorous Personal Essay . The class only runs through the end of the month, so, bingo! I took Stand-Up 1  through Second City late last year, which culminated in a final performance in front of an actual audience. Now, it wasn't quite my debut Netflix special; it was friends and family members of mine and my fellow classmates, but man, what a rush. It was something I signed up for to get me outside of my comfort zone and something to push me to just try . I fully intend on taking Stand-Up 2  at some point during 2023, but I needed a break. It's exhausting  going to a 3-hour class once a week where you're expected to perform and think on your feet. Not to mention that I feel I'm still changed from the pandemic, and I've grown more... anti-social? How It's Going The month is not over yet. And man, February has flown by. But...

Project January: Personal Website Re-Build

The Thing Rebuild my personal website, from scratch. I'll get more into what "from scratch" actually means later. (Spoiler alert: I did it .) The Why I completed a coding bootcamp in 2017. Since then I've had the practical idea to create my own website. This means that I would code the whole thing, and not pick a plug-and-play/drag-and-drop solution, such as SquareSpace (which is the service I used for years). There's legitimately nothing wrong with that kind of solution, but I was like, "I know how  to code. Why aren't I using it for my own practical use?" Beyond that, I'd be free to explore with my own designs, learn some new technologies and likely find a way to host the site for free. (I think I was paying something like $13/month for SquareSpace.) The Work Why Hadn't I Just Done it Before? As with many things in life, getting started was the hardest part. I knew that I wanted the site to have a sexy frontend (AKA, I wanted it to look goo...